Consulting services for the development, examination and approval of the Feasibility Study (TER).
Medical Equipment Program

About project
Of the investment project “Improvement of the Oncology Services of Uzbekistan. Phase-2 “.
Development of a working document substantiating the socio-economic efficiency and feasibility of implementing the investment project “Improvement of the Oncology Services of Uzbekistan. Phase-2 “. The approved Feasibility Study will serve as the basis for determining the need for funding (including budget funding), the marginal cost of the project, the development of tender documentation, and the conduct of competitive bidding.
Description of actual services provided in the assignment:
The scope of the Consultant’s services includes:
- Carry out an inventory of the available stock of medical equipment and in the future make a calculation of the need for a particular type of medical equipment.
- Develop detailed technical specifications for equipment, taking into account the specifics of the purchased equipment.
- Determine the cost parameters of the entire list of equipment, taking into account the conditions of the project.
- Preparation of a training program for medical, technical personnel and medical physicists.
The tasks of the Consultant are:
- Prepare a feasibility study for the investment project “Improvement of the Oncology Services of Uzbekistan. Phase-2″ according to the standard structure of the technical and economic parameters of the investment project, in accordance with Appendix No.2 to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.3857.
- The draft FS must be coordinated with the Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
- Ensure the examination of the draft FS at the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade and other authorized examination bodies.
- Prepare and agree on a draft resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (decree) on the implementation of the investment project “Improvement of the Oncology Services of Uzbekistan. Phase-2” with authorized ministries and departments.
Customer (Client)
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Financing organization:
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan
130 000