Partnership with You. Not just recommendations, but practical solutions that can unleash the full potential of the business Avoids isolation and We are constantly working We work in accordance with local and international standards and laws, which guarantees our customers the best result We successfully participate in international and national projects Rhythm Plus, operating successfully in the market of consulting services in Uzbekistan since its establishment in 2003, has already begun its transition to the next stage of its development and entry into global markets The most important assets in our business are our people and our reputation. We are proud of our professionalism and always strive for excellence in our work The total cost of Company’s engagement is calculated based on the Terms of Reference (ToR) and the generally accepted cost calculation of man-days costing. Our slogan
Success Achieved in
Nobody knows Your Company and Your Business better than you, but using Your Experience and Our Knowledge we can jointly arrive at the best solution to any problem.
solutionsWork as ateam
effectively involves
both management and
all employeesSteady
on effective solutions
that create added value
for our customersWork with standards
20+ years
in the business Client’s interests are top priority
Free project screening
Industry Specializations
Road Engineering
Public-Private Partnership
Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Water Supply and Sewerage
Agriculture and Irrigation
Medicine and Health
Business Consulting

Business news

Successful completion of a socially important project with the participation of the KFAED in the healthcare sector for a total of US$20.0 million.

Успешное завершение социально важного проекта с участием КФАЭР в сфере здравоохранения на общую сумму $20 млн.

“Rhythm Plus conducted” a comprehensive environmental impact assessment in preparation for the construction of a solar photovoltaic plant in the Bukа district of the Tashkent region.

Akhborot 24 | Road construction in Bukhara based on China’s experience